And what happens when our blood sugars crash? We usually crave something sweet, simple carbs, like chocolate, donuts or cookies. This only creates the rollercoaster ride of blood sugar highs and lows.
Here are some natural stress-busting foods:
Hemp seeds. Also known as hemp hearts, hulled hemp seeds are great for sprinkling on cereal or salads and they're an excellent source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins that help your body make nerve-calming tryptophan.
Coconut water. Available in convenient single-serve tetrapaks, this tropical drink is a natural source of electrolytes, vitamin C and medium-chain fatty acids that are used as immediate energy for your active body.
Granola bars with no refined sugar. Between meals, when you're on the go, granola bars are easy to slip into your bag so you don't have to resort to vending machines or gas station fare. Choose a bar with no refined, white sugar in the ingredient list as that will only aggravate your overworked adrenal glands.
A few of my favourite brands are Kashi and Kind. Or you can make your own with this recipe from 'Oh She Glows', my current go to recipe book.
Trail mix. Pre-pack small handfuls of dried fruit, seeds and nuts to help keep blood sugar levels stable during a long day. Like granola bars, these little bags of raw energy will prevent resorting to non-nutritive processed food that may stress you out further.
Do you have any healthy portable snacks? Share them with us in the comments below.
In good health,
Cheryl Wahl, RHN
Certified Professional Cancer Coach