The Canada Food Guide says we should get 7- 10 servings a day of fruits and vegetables for an adult.
On a good day you’re lucky to eat a banana on your way to work and a salad with dinner! And who wants to eat salad for lunch and dinner…we’re not rabbits!
Welcome to the world of juices and smoothies. Juicing and making smoothies provides the essential nutrients your body needs in an easy to absorb format. It’s like taking a shot of anti-cancer nutrients!
Here’s my top 5 fruits and veggies to put in those body nourishing drinks.
1. Carrots
- 1 cup contains over 400% of your daily intake of vitamin A, an immune boosting vitamin
- great for juicing, has a sweet taste and great when juiced with an apple
2. Apples
- A medium apple has 4 ½ grams of fibre (women need about 25 grams)
- High in Vitamin C, another immune boosting vitamin
3. Blueberries
- 1 cup has 4 g of fibre and 24 % of your daily intake of vitamin C
- High in Anthocyanins, which help with memory
- Contains a compound that suppresses tumour growth and helps prevent certain cancers
4. Greens
- 1 cup contains 56% of your daily vitamin A and 14% of vitamin C
- Contains more than a dozen cancer fighting anti-oxidants
- High in magnesium, which helps to lower blood pressure
5. Plant based protein
- Adding protein to your smoothie helps keep you feeling full longer and stabilizes blood sugar levels
- Brown rice protein powder is gluten free
- I use brown rice powder or a brand called Vega (mixed plant based proteins)
And head over to my recipe tab for some delicious and refreshing juices and smoothies.
In good health,
Cheryl Wahl, RHN, Fitness Trainer
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