You hop in the shower (which is sparkling because you finally had time to clean it last night). Lather the shampoo, rinse, condition, soap-up, rinse, done.
Once you’ve toweled off, slather on the lotion – legs, arms, face. The winter weather sure dries your skin hey?
After a hearty breakfast, back to the bathroom, quick brush of the teeth, final touch-up of make-up and hair spray and you’re ready for the day.
Sound typical?
Let me point out that you’ve just exposed yourself to cancer causing toxins 7 times! And that’s before you’re even out the door.
Here’s my top 4 ingredients to avoid and recommended products to use instead.
Propylene Glycol:
This is used in cosmetics to help retain moisture content, or prevents it from drying out. It is also used as an industrial anti-freeze, and is the major ingredient in brake and hydraulic fluid. Laboratory tests show it to be a strong skin irritant.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS-required by the government) on this chemical warn to avoid skin contact as it is systemic (affects the entire system) and can cause liver abnormalities and kidney damage. As well, it can damage the cell membrane.
It’s crazy that you will find this ingredient in hand and body lotions and facial moisturizers that you rub into your skin. It is hard to find any personal care product at the drug store that does not have this poison among its ingredients.
Also known as estrogen mimickers, these have the ability to disrupt our natural hormonal systems, creating hormonal havoc that can worsen symptoms of peri-menopause, PMS, and menopause, including weight gain–especially in the abdominal area–and increased breast cancer risk. There are 160 xenoestrogens that may be involved in breast cancer development.
Xenoestrogens to avoid are: Parabens are commonly used as a preservative in cosmetics, shampoo and toothpaste. Bisphenol-A, or BPA are found in plastics and the lining of cans. Phthalates are used in children’s toys, nail polish and perfumes. Oh, and it’s used in hair spray too but you wouldn’t know it since they can claim it’s a fragrance on the label. Red food dye #3, used in everything from toothpaste and medicines to any food product that is pink, red or purple (didn’t we just celebrate Valentine’s day with all those brightly colored treats?).
Used in antibacterial soaps and cleaners, it is an aggressive antibacterial agent that can promote the growth of drug-resistant bacteria. Rebecca Sutton, PhD, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group (EWG) says “The American Medical Association has found no evidence that these antimicrobials make us healthier or safer, and they’re particularly concerned because they don’t want us overusing antibacterial chemicals — that’s how microbes develop resistance, and not just to these [household antibacterial], but also to real antibiotics that we need.”
Other studies have now found dangerous concentrations of triclosan in rivers and streams, where it is toxic to algae. The EPA is currently investigating whether triclosan may also be a hormone disruptor, or xenoestrogen. It is a probable carcinogen.
2-Butoxy Ethanol:
This is a key ingredient in window cleaners and multipurpose cleaners like kitchen & bath products. It is a powerful solvent that belongs to the ‘glycol ethers’ family. According to the EPA’s website, “in addition to causing sore throats when inhaled, at high levels glycol ethers can also contribute to narcosis (unconsciousness), pulmonary edema (heart failure), and severe liver and kidney damage”.
This is taken right from an MSDS in a workplace environment: “may be a CARCINOGEN in humans. There may be no safe level of exposure to a carcinogen, so all contact should be reduced to the lowest possible level”.
Choose beauty products that don’t contain these ingredients like:
Aveeno - http://www.aveeno.ca
Avalon Organics - http://www.avalonorganics.com
Burt’s Bees - http://www.burtsbees.ca
Dr. Bronner’s Soaps - http://www.drbronner.com
Jason - http://hain-celestial.ca/OurBrands/Jason
Kiss My Face - http://www.kissmyface.com
Moroccan Oil - http://www.moroccanoil.com/canada/countryselector?website=ca&lang=en
Nature’s Gate - http://www.natures-gate.com
Tom’s of Maine - http://www.tomsofmaine.com/home
Weleda - http://www.weleda.com
Check out this website by Environmental Working Group for a list of what’s in your beauty products. http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
And when it comes to cleaning your house, go for the good old-fashioned cleaners like vinegar and water for the mirrors and windows, baking soda to scrub the sink and tub, and borax as a disinfectant.
If you have clogged drains, try ½ cup salt with 4 litres of water and pour down the drain. For stubborn clogs, try ½ cup baking soda with ½ cup vinegar.