You wake up with a headache, upset stomach, your mouth is dry and you're feeling down…
It's have a “hangover". No matter what you do your body needs rehydrating, rest and sleep to recover. You need to nourish your body with vitamins and liquids. Here are some tips;

Your body needs to recover so sleep is your best option. Try to stay in bed if you have the luxury, if not, put off unnecessary errands and chores until the next day.

The symptoms you're feeling post-drinking are signs of dehydration caused by the alcohol. That's why you must rehydrate yourself by drinking a lot of water when you get up. Rehydrating your body is the key to recovering from the hangover, this cannot be stressed enough. You can even put some lemon in your water because it'll help soothe your stomach and will add vitamin C. When drinking water, avoid water that is extremely cold or hot; drink water at room temperature.
If you have a juicer, or even a good blender, trying juicing some veggies and fruits the night before. A glass of easy to digest anti-oxidants is great for helping to flush out the toxins of the night before.

Even though you feel like coffee is your cure, caffeine is a diuretic and it will cause further dehydration of your body. Also milk and other dairy products are not a good idea for an upset stomach and nausea. Stay away from them.
Try a cup of green tea instead. The polyphenols in green tea will help balance blood sugar levels and reduce cancer risk while too.

A couple slices of plain toast or a few crackers can be a good idea. Carbs will help bring up your blood sugar levels. Even better, have a piece of fruit, which will refresh and give you the energy you need.

Sweat it out… Endorphins released can elevate your mood, detoxify your body and make you feel better...clearer. Just be sure you drink lots of water so as not to get dehydrated.
Happy New Year and all the best for 2015!