1. Did you eat too many sweets? You can counter balance that feeling of too much sugar by rebalancing your blood sugar. This can be done by replacing the synthetic sugar from cakes and candy with something naturally sweet that just happens to be in season: cherries. Cherries are made up of 75% water so they give you hydration, fiber and a bit of sugar to smooth out any sugar cravings.
2. Did you eat too much in general? Eating too much can leave you feeling soggy and bloated and generally unwell. One quick tip for improving your digestion is drinking a teaspoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in a little warm water before your next meal. It kick starts your digestion, therefore reducing indigestion. It also promotes weight loss if taken on a regular basis!
3. Did you drink a little too much? To avoid a hangover, drink one glass of water between each alcoholic drink, as this will reduce dehydration and headaches. If it is too late and you are already hung-over, make yourself a homemade electrolyte drink that will revitalize your whole body:
- 1 cup water
- 1 small pinch sea salt
- A shot of fruit juice (I use half an orange)
- Squeeze of lemon
4. Is your sleeping schedule way out of whack? The long nights by the campfire singing "Kumbaya" can definitely make it difficult to get back into the workweek groove. The night before you have to wake up to your alarm try eating foods that promote a restful sleep.
- Tryptophan: Think of the turkey coma at Christmas - you can get the sleep inducing effects from many foods such as walnuts, dates and pumpkin seeds.
- Melatonin: Regulates circadian rhythm of the body that it used to distinguish night from day. Good sources are walnuts and cherries, which makes it easy because you are already having them.
- Magnesium: Almonds are high in magnesium which helps the body relax.
5. Are you frazzled because your house is turned upside down upon your return from the weekend away? By planning ahead you can reduce your stress when you get back. Have groceries purchased for breakfast and lunch. Separate your clean and dirty laundry as you go for easy washing when you get home. And lastly, take everything down to the basement right away when you get home to reduce the clutter in the front hall. Just having a clear space will give you a clearer mind, until you have a chance to put everything away.
Weekends are a great way to decompress and de-stress - by following these steps, you might be able to keep that nice relaxed feeling beyond Monday morning!
In good health,
Cheryl Wahl, RHN, CPCC, Personal Trainer